About Me

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Hey there! I"m an independant girl~ with respect to my opinions and thought process, living in the beautiful City of Joy i.e. Kolkata,India. As I've mentioned in one of my posts that blogs are just people's personal perspective and sentiments voiced through writings,...so here am I sharing my opinions about life as well as contemporary time ! Besides that , I love to play with words. Hope you all like it! and feel free to criticize! All your comments will be accepted graciously! I hope my posts will voice the opinion of many!
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I like the frosted white,
Of the snowy mountains and the moony light.
Not the roaring red ,.......its a bit too loud !
Silly streets, full of crowd.

I like the bouncing blue ,
Of the skies , oceans , seas and river -------
Blackish night , dusty leaves , foggish street lamps------
And dreams of my knight in shining armour.

Of late , I have grown up.
Like a seed that sprouts in due time.
Playing with dolls , going for joyrides seems an old school rhyme!
Oh ! How I wish for those longing hands that used to hold my fingers ,
Time has flown , in its own , but the longing still lingers!

Nowadays I'm a little preoccupied----
With the battle called life ,
Joining the rat race here and there ;
Reaching for the stars and fighting every moment to survive.
"RUN" ---- I should , "SUCCEED" I must ;
The long lost childhood, peeps through my lonely heart ,
As life around me ,moves on fast.........


jibon manei chhera canvas,
elomelo range bhora-
jibon manei odhora madhuri,shohoje deye na dhora.
jibon manei banchar lorai-
ram-raboner judhyo;
ke je ram?ke-i ba rabon?
kara shantipriya?karai ba bikhubdhyo?

achalyotoner bhit aaj tolomolo,
bhangon dhorechhe tate-
rurho bastob diyechhe dhora apon mohimate.

biswoshomaj metechhe aaj bhoyal ranger khelay,
swatota tai hariye gechhe,bhekdharider melay.
e je aaj kemon khela?--na jani tar shonga,
manush hoye manusher-i kachhe chaichhe rokto-ganga!

tai dhikkar ei manob jonom,jonmechhi ei deshe,
pai jeno shudhu shanti ma go,tomay bhalobeshe.